It is known we are all cyclical by nature, fluctuating between numerous emotions and circumstances. Genetic Radiesthesia, or RadGen, was developed by Patricia Bortone. When applied to personal life, it contributes to further stabilization and balance the flow of life. By scanning the vibrational frequencies in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies it provides perspective on what sources are unbalanced at the present moment, as well as from the past.
RadGen is based on quantum physics, it takes into consideration that we are pure energy, moved and impacted by electromagnetic fields that permeate our cells and our surroundings. It allows us to balance our personal energy, thus empowering us to deal with our health issues. This is a powerful technique capable of addressing an extremely vast spectrum of symptoms. The possibilities are truly endless.
This is ideal when dealing with mental and emotional instability, such as insomnia, mental confusion, obsessive thoughts, inertia, low drained energy, depression, stress, irritability, memory issues, traumas, and panic attacks. This can also be effective when treating physical symptoms like fatigue, malfunctions on the respiratory, muscular, lymphatic, and digestive systems, constant pain, migraines, allergies, chemotherapy effects, immune system concerns, sickness, and more.
Genetic Radiesthesia will assist you in feeling renewed and invigorated. All that is apparent is treated with care, responsibility, and motivation.